Wednesday, 17 December 2014

12 Days of Christmas | DAY 5: Our Ornament Tradition

We have a tradition that we started about 2 years ago, but actually started back when I was 14 living at Mums. Each year when we put up the tree, we buy an ornament each to add to it. I think it's a nice way to remember each year and also build up on our ornament collection. I also write the year on the back or bottom. 

I really liked this tradition when living at home when I was younger, it was fun to go hunting for a new decoration. Sometimes Mum even bought them before hand and gave it to us as a little present on December 1st as we were putting up the tree. It was great, because when I moved out of home I took some of my decorations to add to my own tree and didn't have to spend lots of $$$ on decorating my first tree. I hope to continue this tradition with my children, not only will they have something to remind them of their childhood, but also have a collection to have when they move out!

Last year I made 30 ornaments to give to cousins and also some for us to go on the tree and I am DEVASTATED I can't find ours anywhere! I had them hanging up on the fireplace for months afterwards and I have a feeling I put them somewhere safe when winter hit and we needed the fire place. Obviously it was too safe, cause now I can't find them! But I do have two trees that I made which are gracing out tree this year.

Here are some photos of the ornaments we have added to our collection;




How often do you buy new Christmas decorations?

** Spiritual Thought**

12 Days of an AUSSIE OSBORN Christmas: DAY 1 | DAY 2 | DAY 3 | DAY 4 | DAY 5 | DAY 6 | DAY 7 | DAY 8 | DAY 9 | DAY 10 | DAY 11 | DAY 12 |

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