Friday 26 September 2014

How have I changed in the past year?

For today's blog-tember prompt, I am reflecting upon my past year. 
I feel that this is a great prompt and for me personally,
I started this year out determined to change for the better. 

 I don't believe we ever stop changing, growing and learning, so every year there will be changes within us. However, this past year has been full of big changes for me. 
I feel like I am miles away from who I was on September 26th last year. 

I made some changes due to my health, both mental and physical. And the benefits are beyond what I could even imagine. I really like who I am "becoming". 

I believe.
I exercise.
I am happy.
I have faith.
I don't gossip.
I don't swear.
I am more positive.
I don't drink tea or coffee.
I don't drink alcohol.
I am more positive.
I have a better outlook on life.
I try to always look for the best in others.
I know there is a bigger picture out there.
I know there is a bigger plan for me.
Most importantly, I know who I am.
I know I am a daughter of a loving Heavenly Father above and I know that he cares for me more then I can imagine. This re-found knowledge has been the biggest change, and the biggest comfort to me this past year.
I cannot be more grateful.


How have you changed this year?

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